Bid/RFP Status: 
Closed - no longer accepting bids and proposals
Bid/RFP Due Date: 
Monday, April 18, 2022 - 5:00pm

The City of Bandon is now accepting proposals from qualified firms for the development of a Housing Needs Analysis and Buildable Lands Inventory with a Housing Strategy Implementation Plan. 


Proposals Due: 5:00 PM April 18th, 2022 (electronic or written)


Please submit responses to:

Dana Nichols, Planning Manager

PO Box 67

Bandon, OR 97411

Phone: 541-347-7922


Proposals received after the deadline time/date will not be considered. Mis-deliveries, late, incomplete, electronic, and/or faxed submittals will be considered nonresponsive.

Proposals must address all items listed in this RFP; incomplete Proposals may not be considered.



City anticipates the following general timeline for this RFP. The following dates are subject to change:

Issuance of RFP documents March 31st, 2022
Deadline for Questions April 8th, 2022
Proposals Due (written or electronic) April 18th, 2022
Interviews (if needed) April 20th-21st, 2022
Notice of Intent to Award April 26th, 2022
Council Award May 2nd, 2022
Commencement of Contract May 16th, 2022


Please submit any questions regarding this RFP to Dana Nichols, Planning Manager, via email at by April 8th, 2022. Questions  and responses will be available on the City website on or by April 8th, 2022.

Q & A

Q: The RFP mentions several meetings with the HAC and other Planning Commission and City Council meetings. Are these expected to occur in person or virtually?

With the serious concern about the pandemic waning, we’ve moved back to in-person meetings, however due to Oregon law, we are keeping the remote option available. We are able to accommodate a remote option for folks who are unable to make it in-person. We invested in a pretty robust AV system for our main meeting room, which we hope will make hybrid meetings more comfortable/accessible.


Q: What is the status of any prior buildable land GIS data?

A: We only started using GIS in-house around 2017, and our BLI was last updated in 2003 by EcoNorthwest. We may have paper maps, but nothing digital.


Q: What are the most important issues regarding housing development that this plan will need to address?

A: Bandon, like many other places, is facing crisis-level housing shortages. For years, we’ve had a near-zero percent vacancy rate for rentals, growth of only spec single-family dwellings, and no investment in multi-family dwellings (last apartment complex was 1990). We have a dearth of low-income and work-force housing, and are losing families, seniors, and employees as they can no longer afford to live here. While we’re not large enough to be subject to HB 2001, we are interesting in exploring those provisions to encourage more housing opportunity. Our code is wildly outdated and does not properly allow for the types of housing that might help in alleviating the housing stress and does not address design standards for multi-family. Also, desire to live in our community has increased since the pandemic. Anticipating what policies and procedures need to be in place to accommodate this growth is paramount to retaining our high quality of life and desirability as a community while allowing for our community to expand. We’re also hearing from developers that the available land inside the UGB may be expensive/difficult to develop due to environmental constraints (wetlands, hazards) and available lots are not large enough to meet ratio requirements. The BLI could provide interesting information about we can actually plan for housing development, given those constraints.


Q: Were any policy changes pursued in relation to the 2018 Housing Needs Assessment?

A: The 2018 Housing Needs Assessment that you’re referring to was a partnership between the South Coast Development Council and a number of cities in the area. It’s more of a market study of our zip code to show the demand for non-low-income housing. Since there was no policy analysis or recommendation, the city did not actively pursue any changes as a result of their effort.


Q: When was the last Housing Needs Analysis for Bandon adopted?

A: 1991 – our Comprehensive Plan


Q: What is the anticipated budget for this project?

A: We received a grant through the Department of Land Conservation and Development in the amount of $40,000. We are hoping to keep costs within this budget, but could possibly contribute additional funding for the right project.