City of Bandon major ongoing and recommended projects list

These recommended projects are in no particular order:

  1. City Charter Amendment re: Utility rate setting authority
  2. 2015-16 City Council goals
  3. Hire a new city planner/planning director (Winkel had been filling this role)
  4. Initiative regarding outside-city residents on City Council
  5. Street overlays - citywide per street overlay master list
  6. New 50-acre feet raw water storage reservoir
  7. Complete the cheese factory property sale
  8. Complete the electric service policies update
  9. Water and sewer service policies update
  10. Water, sewer and electric utility cost of service study
  11. Seismic valves at treated water storage tanks
  12. Charter Communications Cable TV franchise - joint negotiations
  13. New city shop construction and relocation
  14. Phase I environmental study of Urban Renewal Area No. 1, Woolen Mill property (Business Oregon grant?)
  15. Pole contract agreements with Frontier, Charter and Comspan
  16. Telephone franchise agreement
  17. System Development Charge plan update
  18. Parks SDC's
  19. South Jetty Park improvements
  20. Reconstruct Ferry Creek bridge at First Street and Riverside Drive
  21. Ohio Avenue - street and water line reconstruction south of Ferry Creek
  22. Michigan Avenue NE - status of unopened street south of Fahy Avenue
  23. Madison Avenue water and electric line loop to South Jetty
  24. Jetty Road bicycle/pedestrian pathway
  25. 11th Street and Fillmore Avenue to City Hall drainage
  26. Purchase new street sweeper
  27. Purchase new/used electric bucket truck
  28. Secure/trade right of way on vacation of Newport from Powers family for Bluff to Seventh Street trail
  29. Sewer plant sludge dewatering and backup generator
  30. City Park playground equipment
  31. Renovate emergency sirens
  32. New carpet at City Hall
  33. Repaint decorative street lights in Old Town, at City Hall and the library
  34. Annual budget allocation for BandonPrepares (separate from State Revenue Sharing)
  35. Telephone emergency notification system (Code Red)
  36. Secure utility and access agreements from ODOT/Hauser at Station Restaurant property sale
  37. 2015 Fourth of July Fireworks agreement with Western Display Fireworks
  38. Urban Growth Boundary agreement with Coos County
  39. Stillwagon Distillery tasting room and/or distillery in the Woolen Mill in Urban Renewal area No. 1
  40. Additional refrigerator space for Face Rock Creamery
  41. City newsletters (email and utility bills)
  42. Sell the city automobile (2013 Ford Fusion) used by the former city manager